Monday, January 10, 2011

One of Those Days

They happen to everyone at some point or another.  Days that just seem to work backwards and every little thing goes wrong.  I am having one of those days...

I had scheduled a meeting with my friend Zach who handles all my web stuff for at the Starbucks in Aspen Grove at 11am.  Here is how that went over...

9am: Wake up late, rush to get out the door in the next 30 minutes

9:32am: Head for the bus...I have 6 minutes to make it there

9:38am: Watch Bus 24 drive past while I try to run and make it

9:40am: Decide to walk to the next bus stop, sidewalks are not plowed so I trudge through a foot of snow, about a mile.

9:59am: Watch Bus 67 drive past as I wait at the  Next bus doesn't come for another hour.

10:03am: I decide to just walk the rest of the way, about 3 miles.  Text my web guy to let him know I will be late.

10:37am: Get a text back from my web guy suggesting we meet at a Starbucks about 3/4ths of a mile back...guess I'll turn around.

10:40am: Snowplows come through a cover all the sidewalks even more.  Snow up to my knees.

10:53am: Made it.  Finally.

Noon: Get back home...but managed to lose my cell phone somewhere between Starbucks and home...le sigh.

Its a day.  Thanks for letting me vent.  Now I am going to curl up with some FRIENDS and pretend it all never happened...


  1. Glad you found your phone somewhere along the way. Sorry for a crummy, cold morning. I suppose it was much more doable after months of cold walking in Poland.

  2. A neighbor found it laying on the street...goodness. This morning I just kept telling myself, "at least your feet are dry..." I always had wet feet in Poland, grateful for snow boots.

  3. Oooooh my goodness. I am so sorry! Did you just scream in the middle of this walk, because THAT'S what I would've done!
