Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Touch of Destiny

There is an epidemic taking hold of my generation.  Like a cancer growing slowly in the hearts of young people.  The disease is stealing dreams and hope.  Causing confusion and depression.  I see it in my friends.  I see it in me.  We have lost our identity.

I think its a response to how our parent's raised us, taking us to church and feeling like they are shoving their beliefs down our throat.  My generation sees the older generation as close minded and intolerant of anything different.  So we have swung the other way, we are open to everything.  You cannot take a stand for anything without getting burned, you have to be tolerant of everything to survive.  Sometimes it makes me feel more stifled than free.

We have become so tolerant of everything we have lost our identity in anything bigger than ourselves.

This weekend I was at a conference in Barcelona and one of the speakers spoke about the relationship between identity and destiny.

I cannot tell you how many conversations I have had with friends and other young people about destiny and purpose.  They want to make a difference on the world, they are craving destiny. A heart cry for their place in this world, something made just for them.  Why can't they seem to find it?  Where is their destiny?

Our destiny is lost because our identity is lost.

The cancer of lost identity has taken such a hold on our hearts that we no longer know who we are.  We are lost somewhere in our heads trying to figure the world out...but we don't know we really are.  We don't know, especially, what our identity in God is.

So here is the natural question.  If we don't know who we are, how can we even start to know what we are to do?

Finding your identity is a lifetime journey, its a process.  As you move and discover your deeper and true identity your destiny becomes more clear.  As you dig back into the dark moments of your past and deal with the aftermath your identity starts to take shape.  Destiny will start to unfold, but only as you discover who God created you to be.

He did create you.  He put you on this earth for a reason.  He's not hiding it from you.  He just desires you to know who you are in Him first.

This place where you are right now, God circled on a map just for you.
-Hafiz, 14th Century Persian Mystic

You have a touch of destiny about you. 
-Tia Dalma

Photo courtesy of Victor Mui

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